Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finished Kitchen

I am happy to say, the kitchen is finished. Or at least as finished as it is going to be for awhile.  There are still a few minor things we need to do.  So here are the final photos.

I ended up buying the clock I wanted on EBay, and my neighbor painted the awesome love painting on some reclaimed wood.

A closeup of the painting done by my neighbor Amy Wilson, she does great stuff, you can check it out here and have her create you a one of a kind masterpeice!

My new magnetic chalkboard that I plan to add a calendar to for kids stuff.   Scott just painted the magnetic paint and chalkboard paint, and put trim up around it.

And the final before and after pics.

Not sure what is next, but we will keep you posted.


  1. Gorgeous cabinets, it's what I'm hoping to do to mine. What kind of gel stain did you use?

  2. Love your stained cabinets. The medium shade wood is beautiful... Looking at doing something similar... Can you say what gel stain brand/color you used and how many coats you did?

  3. That looks beautiful in almost done with mine and it looks just like yours
